Supply, installation and testing of plate exchangers.

Plate heat exchangers ships to the customer in assembled condition; plate sections are sealed. Transportation makes by any type of transport. The heat exchanger is equipped with a brand nameplate, containing the necessary information about the heat exchanger, which is fixed on the outside of the fixed plate of the heat exchanger. Each plate of the heat exchanger is marked with a serial number according to the layout of the plates. When receiving the heat exchanger, it must be checked for compliance with the design data.

The heat exchanger layout is to be checked, the number of strokes and the heating surface of each stroke. If the number of strokes in the heat exchanger corresponds to the designed one, and the heating surface (the number of channels) is less than the designed one at each turn, then to ensure design capacity, the estimated flow rate of heat carriers through the heat exchanger, a large pressure is required, which is not always achievable. Accordingly, if the heating surface is larger than the design surface, then with the designed number of strokes, the available pressure on the heat exchanger must be reduced to achieve design costs. The number of strokes of the heat exchanger can be checked by a special measuring probe – a ruler, and the degree of tightening – by a template-ruler.

It is recommended that when a heat exchanger is arrived at the site of its installation, prior to tying it with pipelines, perform hydraulic tests. The test of semi-split heat exchangers is carried out independently and separately on the heating and cooling cavities. Tests of heat exchangers with removeable core are carried out simultaneously on both cavities with maintenance in them of identical pressures without sharp differences of pressures between cavities. Upon receipt of the heat exchanger, the operating company must create a special passport for it, into which the factory passport is attached and all the data on tests, repairs, washing and other operations carried out with the heat exchanger.

When changing the layout of the heat exchangers, all dismantling and insertion work must be done on detached plates in compliance with the rules for the production of welding and mechanical work. The necessary increase of the heating surface of the heat exchangers, while maintaining their layout, may arise as the heat load of the objects increases or in connection with the requirements for reducing the hydraulic losses of the heat exchanger.

Procedure of order plate heat exchangers.

To select a plate heat exchanger, it is necessary to select the material and type of plate from the available initial data and make a preliminary calculation of the heat exchanger. Based on the results of calculations, you should select the required size of the heat exchanger and fill out a questionnaire list. The questionnaire list is the main document for the specification, the calculation of the price and the contract for the supply of a heat exchanger or a complex heat point. Specialists of PSPC “Ankor-Teploenergo” are always glad to make the calculation of the set task for the development and manufacture of plate heat exchangers as quickly and efficiently as possible.

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