For the quality control of materials, meant for manufacturing of the equipment, the enterprise has a laboratory which performs the following functions:
- issuance of recommendations for structural materials for the equipment, operating in corrosive environments; • determination of the reasons for the equipment destruction in the chemical, petrochemical, food and other industries; • assessment of the corrosion state of the current industrial equipment (visual inspection, non-destructive metallographic method of control of the metal state);
- carrying out electrochemical studies, laboratory and industrial tests aimed at studying the causes of corrosion; • systematization and analysis of corrosion resistance of the structural materials, depending on the technological environment;
- development of measures to combat with corrosion deterioration;
- conducting metallographic studies for the purpose of assessing the welded joint; • conducting the incoming inspection of the material for compliance with standards and quality certificates;
- research on the macro-and microstructure of steels and alloys, including high-nickel alloys on the basis of nickel and their welded joints;
- test of corrosion-resistant steels and alloys, and their welded joints for resistance to intergranular corrosion and corrosion cracking.